I have just realized that I only have 3 weeks left here in NZ! I am getting terribly sad. Not that I don't miss everyone from home, but I don't want to leave here. I am loving it so much! I am enjoying teaching my students so much and they're all getting so fun now. With the end of the year coming a lot of times behavior goes out the window and everyone starts acting up. So we've had a big talk with the students and have laid out the rest of the year with them. We had this past week which is their last real tough week of working. They had to finish their Inquiry Learning Reports and are presenting them to the class tomorrow, they had to prepare the Koromiko assembly, which is an assembly held with just the Koromiko (year 5-6) classes. We also started a new and final topic in Maths. So it was a crazy busy week for them.
These next two weeks should be a blast for the kids though, we have two field trips, the Christmas concert, a Push/Play National Jandal Day (jandal = flip flops), and then the last two days of school are just cleanup and goodbyes. So this should be a blast for them. We are starting to practice for our Christmas concert tomorrow. A buddy class has chosen a song and dance routine we are going to work on. It should be very fun! Our first field trip is this Wednesday to Rainbow's End which is an adventure park similar to Great America but on a much smaller scale than Great America. Our next field trip is on December 13th to Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium. Right before I arrived the class was studying global warming and the polar bears. They began to really look into the Antarctic and how global warming is effecting the south pole. Kelly Tarlton's has an Extreme Antarctica exhibit that will be great for the kids to explore. Its an interactive museum and aquarium. Rebecca, Amanda, and I went two weeks ago to do a prep for the field trip. We found loads of information and tried out some of the activities that the kids will be doing. It is a very fun place. Here are a few photos that I took while us three were there:

I have realized that I only have 4 more days of actual in the classroom teaching left. Its weird to think that my student teaching is coming to an end. I have these few days left here then three weeks back at home at Aldo and I'm done. Crazy!
On Tuesday, Rebecca and I have Classroom Release which means that we get to be out of the classroom and have a reliever (substitute teacher) come in. A teacher has 2 CR Days per term (quarter) These are meant to allow the teacher to have a full day of planning or testing away from the kids. This coming Tuesday, since its the end of the year and report cards have been done for our class we are going to go to other schools for me to observe. Rebecca has set it up with some of her friends that we can go see their classrooms so I am very excited for this opportunity!
I am getting sad that I only have three weeks left. This weekend is the Staff Christmas Party and then David, his friends, and I are planning on going up north to the Bay of Islands. Then I have next weekend which we have a few ideas for but no solid plans since we have to wait to see what the weather will be like. And then the following weekend David and I are off to the South Island! Its all going so fast!
This Saturday I am hoping to see one of my students at her dance show. She found my email and she and her mom emailed me inviting me to come and see her! I told her of course I would!
Well off to do my last bit of lesson planning!
On Tuesday, Rebecca and I have Classroom Release which means that we get to be out of the classroom and have a reliever (substitute teacher) come in. A teacher has 2 CR Days per term (quarter) These are meant to allow the teacher to have a full day of planning or testing away from the kids. This coming Tuesday, since its the end of the year and report cards have been done for our class we are going to go to other schools for me to observe. Rebecca has set it up with some of her friends that we can go see their classrooms so I am very excited for this opportunity!
I am getting sad that I only have three weeks left. This weekend is the Staff Christmas Party and then David, his friends, and I are planning on going up north to the Bay of Islands. Then I have next weekend which we have a few ideas for but no solid plans since we have to wait to see what the weather will be like. And then the following weekend David and I are off to the South Island! Its all going so fast!
This Saturday I am hoping to see one of my students at her dance show. She found my email and she and her mom emailed me inviting me to come and see her! I told her of course I would!
Well off to do my last bit of lesson planning!
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